How old do you have to be to vape?

Here is a breakdown of the legal vaping age across a number of countries:
What is the legal vaping age in the UK?
As with smoking, vaping across the UK is an 18+ activity, with retailers liable for a fine of up to £2500 if they are found to be selling vapes, vape liquids or vape equipment to minors. While there is generally a progressive attitude towards vaping in the UK, you are prohibited from vaping in smoke-free zones, ie in the workplace, in restaurants and on public transport.
What is the legal vaping age in Australia?
The legal vaping age across Australia is also 18+, however, with a number of regulations depending on the state. For example, in New South Wales, you cannot vape in a car with a child under the age of 16 present, while in Victoria you cannot use any e-liquids that contain nicotine. Therefore, if you live in Australia or are planning a visit, be sure to double check all the vaping regulations in your state.
What is the legal vaping age in the USA?
As with Australia, the vaping laws across the USA can vary from state to state, with legal ages tending to be between 18+ and 21+. The majority of states fall into the 18+ category, however, some larger states such as Oregon and California are 21+ so, again, be sure to check the specific laws if you are under 21.
What is the legal vaping age in China?
Vaping was invented in China and even today the majority of production takes place there. So, does the prevalence of vaping in China mean more lenient laws? Actually, no – the legal age for vaping in China is still 18+ across the country, with some more specific regulations varying across states.
In what countries is vaping banned?
There are a number of countries with stricter prohibitions when it comes to vaping, and others where the sale and use of e-cigs is banned outright. If you are planning on travelling with a vape or vape accesories, make sure you check specific laws in your destination to avoid unwanted trouble in customs.
At the time of writing, countries in which vaping is completely banned include:
- Hong Kong
- Argentina
- Thailand
- Cambodia
- Seychelles
- Vietnam
- Venezuela
- Uganda
- Singapore
- Taiwan
- Brazil
What is in vape liquid?
With vaping falling under such strict laws around the world, what exactly is in vape liquid?
The main components of e-liquid are propylene glycol and glycerin, between them, usually making up around 95% of the liquid, with water, flavourings and nicotine then added.
So, is the legal vaping age lower for nicotine free e-liquid? Perhaps surprisingly, no – the legal ages remain the same for all vaping products, nicotine or not. This is because of the definitions surrounding ‘tobacco products’, which includes ‘components and parts’, ie your physical vaping device. This means that no matter the nicotine content of the liquid, a vape is still technically a tobacco product and is covered by the same tobacco laws.